Laser beam wavelength (λ) = 532 nm

Laser power output (P) = 34.3 mw

Lens focal length (f) = 3.5 cm

Optical path distance (Z) = 70 cm

Beam waist (ωo) = 15.35 µm

Radius of the laser beam (ωL) = 0.16 mm

Spot size diameter in front of the aperture (ωa) = 15 mm

Aperture radius (ra) = 2 mm

Effective thickness (Leff) = 1.13 mm

Diffraction length (Zo) = 1.48 mm

Incident intensity at the focus (Z = 0) = 4.38 KW/cm2

Nonlinear refractive index (n2) = 5.610 × 10−8 cm2/W

Nonlinear absorption coefficient (β) = 0.033 × 10−4 cm/W

Third-order nonlinear susceptibility (χ(3)) = 2.942 × 10−6 esu