Common themes


Percentage %

Hand Washing

Many respondents emphasized the importance of hand washing before handling food

185 (60%)

Cleaning Surroundings

Keeping the cooking area and surroundings clean was a common practice mentioned by respondents.

175 (57%)

Covering Food

Covering food items to prevent flies and contaminants from getting on them.

174 (56%)

Washing Utensils

Washing cooking utensils properly to prevent cross-contamination.

160 (52%)

Covering hair

Many respondents mentioned covering their heads while cooking to maintain hygiene

130 (42%)

Use of Face Mask

Using face masks, especially when handling food, was mentioned for preventing contamination.

98 (32%)

Keeping finger nails short

Keeping nails short and clean to avoid transferring germs.

83 (27%)

Personal hygiene

Overall personal hygiene practices were emphasized by several respondents.

75 (24%)

Using Clean Water

Using clean and safe water for cooking and cleaning.

64 (21%)

Avoiding Dirty Water

Avoiding using unclean or contaminated water for cooking.

48 (16%)

Proper Cooking

Ensuring food is properly cooked to the right temperature.

46 (15%)

Sweeping and Cleaning

Regularly cleaning the environment and sweeping the cooking area.

42 (14%)

Personal Protective Measures

Using gloves, aprons, and other protective gear.

39 (13%)

Avoiding Flies

Taking measures to keep flies away from food.

36 (12%)

Avoiding Contaminants

Not allowing dirt, insects, or rodents to come in contact with food.

32 (10%)

Sneezing/Coughing Etiquette

Covering the mouth while sneezing or coughing.

31 (10%)

Avoiding Open Food

Not leaving food uncovered to prevent contamination.

30 (10%)

Avoiding Contaminated Surfaces

Washing hands after touching contaminated surfaces.

28 (9%)

Washing Food Items

Washing fruits and vegetables before cooking or eating.

26 (8%)

Regular Cleaning

Regularly cleaning the kitchen, dishes, and surroundings.

24 (8%)