Common Themes




Unhygienic Practices

that included not properly washing hands before cooking or eating, not cleaning utensils and cooking surfaces, and failing to maintain a clean cooking environment

116 (38%)


believed this could occur from various sources such as dirty water, uncovered food, contact with rodents and insects, and improper handling of food

87 (28%)

Food poisoning

eating food picked from the ground can lead to complications like food poisoning that can cause death, when you eat improper food you will have a runny stool, diarrhoea, cholera, unwashed hands after using the toilet, uncovered food, eating expired food makes us sick

74 (24%)

Personal Hygiene

failing to wash hands, touching food with unclean hands, and poor personal hygiene practices

66 (21%)

Improper Preparation & Storage

when the food is not cooked well, it will cause sickness to our body, leaving your food uncovered, food that has pathogens, no proper hygiene, no proper taking care of

53 (17%)


Bacteria are the main causes of unsafe food, germs can spoil your food, food that has germs can cause different sickness

45 (15%)

Environmental Factors

dirty cooking areas, unclean surroundings, and exposure to pollution were mentioned as potential contributors to unsafe food

34 (11%)

Flies & Insects

Flies can transfer germs to uncovered food… a toilet near food, leaving your food open, allowing flies, dirty environment, cockroaches

24 (8%)