Non-tax revenue form


Administrative fees

State organs, public institutions, social organizations and other organizations acting as government agencies collect fees from specific clients in accordance with the principles of cost compensation and non-profit in the process of providing specific services to citizens, enterprises and other organizations.

Government funds

Governments and their subordinate departments, in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations, in order to support the development of a specific industry approve the collection of financial funds with special purposes from citizens, enterprises and other organizations.

State-owned asset resources revenue

As the owner of the property right, the government collects a kind of property right income from the use of state-owned assets or the operators.

Income from fines and confiscations

The general designation of fines and confiscation of income refers to the fines and confiscated money obtained by the departments.

Lottery public welfare funds

Special financial funds raised by the government through the issuance of lottery tickets to support the development of public welfare undertakings.

Donations received in the name of the government

Non-directional monetary donations received by governments, state organs, public institutions, social organizations acting on behalf of the government and other organizations in the name of the government.