
The equation of linear regression

Water content, %

Y = 10.69 + 2.07 * F1 + 0.081 * F2, R2 = 0.46

Water-holding capacity, %

Y = 2.67 + 1.41 * F1 + 0.15 * F2, R2 = 0.58

Free fraction of water, %

Y = 38.36 ? 0.66 * F1 + 0.88 * F2, R2 = 0.10

Associated fraction of water, %

Y= 0.88 + 2.86 * F1 + 0.84 * F2, R2 = 0.23

The catalase activity, ml O2/g

Y = 60.06 + 12.03 * F1 + 25.07 * F2, R2 = 0.60

Where, F1 is the temperature in ˚C; F2―rainfall in mm