Question item

Selection item

Q1 Age

,20 s ,30 s , 40 s , 50 s , 60 s , 70 s+

Birth experience

, YES , NO

Breastfeeding experience

, YES , NO

Q2 Have you ever undergone breast cancer screening?


What content of examination did you receive?

, Mammography only

, Ultrasonograhy only

, Both

, NO

What is the interval of examinations?

, Regularly (every year & every other year)

, Sometimes

, Previous once

Q3 Do you know “dense breasts”?

, I know the meaning the term

, I had only heard the term

, I do not know the term

If you know the meaning, where?

, Consultation

, Media (TV·Magazine)

, Acquaintance

, Other (      )

If you know the meaning, would you wish to be notified?

, I would want to know

, It did not matter

, I would not want to know.

Do you know that ultrasound can also breast cancer screening?


, NO

Q4 Do you conduct breast self-examination?

, Monthly

, Sometimes

, NO

If you answer NO, why?

, Bothersome

, Forget

, I do not know how

, I’m scared to find

, Unnecessary

Q5 Do you have presence of breast cancer sufferers


among close blood relatives

, Mother

, Sister

, Children

, Grandmother/aunt

, NO