Impact of Diagnosis 1 - 3, Timing of Diagnosis 4 - 6, Seeking information/help 7

1) Can you tell me about your feelings when (NAME) was given the official diagnosis of dementia?

2) Can you tell me what issues of concern to you went through your mind at the time (NAME) received the formal diagnosis of dementia?

3) Can you tell me about how you went about doing things after (NAME) received the official diagnosis of dementia?

4) In you opinion/experience do you think there would be positive effects if the dementia was officially diagnosed earlier?

5) In your opinion/experience do you think there would be negative effects if the dementia was officially diagnosed earlier?

6) In your opinion/experience what do you think prevented (if anything did) (NAME) from receiving a formal diagnosis of dementia earlier?

7) How did having an official diagnosis make you feel about approaching people to help you explore groups or organisations for support or for information about dementia or for help with looking after (NAME)?