What are the reasons of his/her change of residence?

The caregiver who used to help him/her passed away (one or both parents, siblings, formal caregiver)

31 (41.2)

The person or the people that used to assist him/her couldn’t do it anymore (e.g. old age parents, or misunderstandings between siblings)

24 (32.0)

His/her family changed residence

5 (6.7)

His health condition has got worse and there was urgent need for greater medical nursing assistance.

4 (5.3)

The facility that sheltered him/her was no longer welcome.

2 (2.7)

The person with DS has asked for a move (for example to live on his/her own or with his/her partner or in a foster home).

2 (2.7)

I wouldn’t know

2 (2.7)


5 (6.7)


75 (100)

Participation at a day care center


99 (72.8)


37 (27.2)


136 (100.0)

The kind of facility he/she is attending is

Social care center

59 (59.6)

Educational center

22 (22.2)

Rehabilitative nursing

17 (17.2)

Professional center

1 (1.0)


99 (100.0)