The independent variables

The assignment


male = 1 female = 0

Relationship with patient (with spouse as reference)

Relationship with the patient 1

spouse = 0 children = 1 Other relatives = 0 parents = 0

Relationship with the patient 2

spouse = 0 children = 0 Other relatives = 1 parents = 0

Relationship with the patient 3

spouse = 0 children = 0 Other relatives = 0 parents = 1

Level of education

Primary schools and below = 1 Junior high school = 2 High school or technical secondary school = 3 college = 4 Bachelor and above = 5

Monthly household income(yuan)

<3000 = 1 3000 - 5000 = 2 5000 - 7000 = 3 7000 - 9000 = 4 >9000 = 5