Climate induced visible effects

Short term effects

Long term effects

Possible solution

Ecological biomarkers

Mountain ecology

Polar caps quickly losing ice. De-glaciations

Avalanche, landslides, Shifting of timber line, species loss

Disappearance of glaciers, untimely floods, change in water cycle

Restoration of mountain forests and vegetation

Increased rate of ice melting, stronger storms

Severe frosting, accidental floods

Loss of alpine vegetation, land slides

Reduction in global heat,

Forest ecology

Extra CO2 in atmosphere,

Global warming

Increase in permafrost, precipitation, decrease in annual rainfall, unseasonal or early flooding.

Forest fires, inundation, species loss, unstable ground conditions reduced bearing capacity, risk of subsidence,

Heavy re-forestation, conservation of evergreen forests, protection of wild life and biodiversity research

Forest loss seaward, migration landward, loss of salt marsh and salt flats

UVB radiation Morphology, productivity, recruitment, Few major effects. salinity, humidity, nutrients

Enhanced CO2, depression of night temperature, humidity loss, low photosynthesis, high respiration, productivity and species loss

Cut down fossil fuel reduction in green house gases by replacing fuels, production of green energy

Grassland ecology

Increase in temperature Permanently frozen soil, energy cycles and ecosystem productivity

Increased evaporation and evapo-transpiration leading to reduced water availability, reduced productivity, high costs of manures and seeds, droughts, heat stress

Salinization, eutrophication of wetlands, loss of production, flooding of agriculture areas, Destruction of crops, food shortage for people and animals

Improvement of irrigation methods, flood control, control of desertification and exotic species, use new cultivars, make moist modified grasslands

Marine ecology

Ocean warming

Sea level rise

erosion, coastal flooding

Increasing salinity, chalky corals, scorch reefs, loss of estuaries, Change in salinity through inundation, Contamination of sea water from run-off death of fish and other marine animals

Flora and fauna death

Lagoon water temperature increase, shallow turbid water, inundation of low lying coastal areas and rivers, saline intrusion into ground water aquifers.

Control of dumping of wastes, power fishing, ocean over exploitation Reduction in global temperature

Coastal problems


Devastation of islands

Submergence of islands, coastal cities

Control underground nuclear tests, development of control warning systems

Increased sea water temperature, Rising sea level,

Reduced productivity at low latitudes productivity and high altitude. Increase breaching and wash over events, changes in community structure

Altered ocean circulation, dispersal, Gene flow, effect on fresh water input, osmo-regulation problems due to change in salinity

Reduction in global temperature

Deep sea oceanic atmosphere

Light penetration Increased suspended solids. Shift in distribution of species, ocean acidification

Higher nutrients collection because of mixing of urban sewage and agricultural land surface runoff, loss of water flow,

Global, increased extreme weather, expansion of oxygen minimum zones. Body size of fish reduced.

Reduction in global temperature

Meteorological markers

Weather conditions

Temperature, rainfall,

pressure, humidity, sunshine and cloudiness


Wind speed, visibility

Elevated High or low, Haze and unclear sky

Dust clouds and storms, Low visibility

High temperature variations, dew point temperature, Uneven rains, floods, High heat Hurricanes, No cloud or thick clouds,

Use of satellite imaging network for appropriate prediction of weather conditions