Product Features

Product Application

Product Cost

61844 $USD


This thick powder should be removed from glass vial with non-toothed forceps and placed on the wound bed. If the vial is cracked or broken, glass shards may be introduced into the product.

Placed directly over the freshly debrided and hemostatic open wounds. It can be slightly moistened and spread topically as a paste over a wound bed or packed into a freshly debrided soft tissue fistulous tract.




The product is like cellophane: semi-transparent, either light tan or orange, flexible and can be easily cut to fit an atypical wound size.

Cut to fit over the wound bed and apply without getting the product wet. Can be fenestrated by a scalpel & applied directly over the dHCM. The product is placed in such a way that the written embossed word on the product reads “Up”.




It is brittle in its dehydrated form and requires rehydration for approximately ten seconds in a 20 mL normal saline bath. Once rehydrated, it can be meshed using a 2:1 split thickness graft mesher.

Applied directly over the trephined bone. It can be cut to fit the desired area after rehydration of the product.



This solution can be injected into exposed tendon, muscle, or subcutaneous tissue. The volume used is left to the discretion of the authorized medical professional. Because the reconstituted material is viscous, proper pre-injection techniques reduce possible air introduction. With time elapse, product separates between rehydration and administration: re-suspend by shaking within 12 hours of reconstitution.

Transfer the recommended volume of 0.9% sterile saline into the vial. With a back-and-forth motion, transfer with the plunger, and mix the particulate to create a full suspension in the syringe.

Reconstituted 160 mg in 4 mL sterile 0.9% saline using an 18-gauge needle, is injected into each tendon on weeks 4 & 5