Author (Subjects#)

Discharge Criteria

Warner 1998 (242)

1-afebrile; 2-tolerate oral diet; 3-pain control with oral analgesia; 4-family is welling; 5 home with favorable condition,

Emil 2006 (397)

1-resolution of ileus; 2-afebrile for 24 h; 3-cbc is normal; 4-tolerate oral intake and analgesia

Slusher 2014 (253)

1-afebrile; 2-normal wbc & diff; 3-tolerating diet; 4-drain output is minimal

Frazee 2014 (345)

1-Ability to tolerate liquid intake; 2-Ability to ambulate; 3-Pain controlled with oral analgesics using a visual analog scale; 4-HD stability; 5-Adequate respiratory effort; 6-No alteration in mental status from baseline; 7-Ability to urinate; 8-N & V controlled; 9-Physicianapproval; 10-Appropriate supervision & assistance at home

Takegami 2003 (185)

1-T < 37.5˚C for 24 h; 2-passed stools or flatus; 3) tolerating clear liquids & a regular diet; 4-no drains in situ; 5) no spinal anesthesia-associated headache. Patients who were treated by conservative therapy were discharged after meeting criteria 1 - 3

Helmer 2002 (438)

1-normal WBC count; 2-return of bowel function; 3-no fever

Keller 1996 (56)

1-resolution of fever for 24 h; 2-normalization of WBC; 3-normal results of clinical exam

Firilas 1999 (147)

1-WBC < 14,000; 2-T max < 38.5 C for 24 h; 3-tolerate regular diet; 4-transition to oral analgesic

Putnam 2014 (794)

1-T < 101.48F - 38.6 C (oral) since admission or greater than 24 h; 2-Tolerating regular diet; 3-Pain relief with oral analgesics; 4-Ambulating with minimal assistance, as age appropriate

Akkoyun 2013 (129)

1-patients were able to tolerate oral liquids; 2-afebrile; 3-free of nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain

Hussain 2014 (30)

1-stable VS for >30 min; 2-no new signs or symptoms after the operation; 3-no active bleeding or oozing; 4-minimal nausea and persistent emesis for <30 min; 5-orientation to person, time and place; 6-pain controllable with oral analgesics; 7-passed urine; 8-no surgical complication; 9-minimal dizziness after sitting for <10 min; 10-a responsible escort

Bensard 2009 (72)

Non-complicated appendicitis: 1-completion of antibiotic; 2-adequate post-op intake 3 pain control.

Complicated appendicitis: same above criteria + resolution of fever and normal WBC count

Lord 1996 (116)

1-eating; 2-Walking freely; 3-passed flatus, provided there was no evidence of sepsis or other complications

Cash 2012 (235)

1-Ability to tolerate liquid intake

2-Ability to ambulate

3-Pain controlled with oral analgesics


5-Adequate respiratory effort

6-No alteration in mental status from baseline

7-Ability to urinate

8-Nausea and vomiting controlled

9-Physician approval

10-Appropriate supervision and assistance at home

Knott 2013

1-Adequate pain control; 2-tolerate oral diet

Warner 2002

1-afebril; 2-able to tolerate liquid diet; 3-ambulate with assistance