Primary Indicators

Secondary indicators

Tertiary indicators

Corporate responsibility governance

CSR governance responsibilities

Department in charge; responsibility report; website disclosure; compliance management system; Anti-corruption and anti-corruption system and training

Labor practice


Employee income; employee communication

Occupational health and safety

Occupational health and safety training; medical examination and health file coverage

Employee development and care

Career development training; career pathways; benefits; annuities

Responsibility for ensuring drug supply

Drug accessibility responsibility

Business geographic breadth; business geographic depth; drug variety diversity; third-party pharmaceutical logistics distribution services; vaccine storage and transportation business; distribution and sales of bulk-buying of drugs; cold chain pharmaceutical products business; rare disease drugs operation; imported drugs operation; medical equipment operation; Chinese herbal medicine operation; anti-tumor drugs operation; specially managed drugs operation; drug reserve responsibility; business model innovation; national logistics base for Chinese herbal medicine; foreign trade development of Chinese medicine; participation in international drug procurement and marketing network construction; foreign investment and cooperation in the field of pharmacy circulation

Drug supply assurance system

Comprehensive logistics (retail) service capabilities; pharmaceutical cold chain logistics system construction and operation; supply chain information support and innovation services; engaged in pharmaceutical import, storage, transportation, marketing and other different aspects of hardware and software development

Drug quality assurance system

Drug quality management system construction; GSP-related quality training; quality management system certification; drug recall system construction; expiration date drug warning mechanism; official warnings/penalties/notifications for the quality of the pharmaceutical products operated

Supplier, customer and consumer responsibility

Supplier responsibility

Regular audit mechanism for supplier social responsibility assessment and investigation; supplier opinion monitoring platform or management

Customer and consumer responsibility

Information security management system certification; prescription drug compliance sales status; customer and consumer communication and complaint channel construction

Socio-economic responsibility

Economic contribution

Return on net assets; growth rate of main business income; administrative penalty

Sustainable development

Leading or participating in drafting industry-related policies, regulations or standards; growth of market share of drug distribution; growth rate of net assets

Community development and public welfare responsibility

Community involvement

Prevention of drug abuse; information on pharmaceutical activities such as the promotion of rational drug use, pharmaceutical science, and expert clinics; pharmaceutical assistance programs; expired drug recycling activities; assistance for low-income patients; provision of a practice base for pharmaceutical-type activities

Public welfare and special pharmaceutical events

Public charity activities and the number of beneficiaries; anti-special medicine event input

Environmental responsibility

Environment policy and management

The norms establishment for the recovery and disposal of expired and substandard drugs; the use of reusable drug turnover distribution containers