Country | Number of Refugees | Ratio of Refugees to Citizens (per 1000 Citizens) | Refugee per GDP | Host Government Status | Funding Sources | Host Government’s Relationship to Refugees | Integrated Resettlement or Temporary Camps |
Ethiopia | 736,000 | 7.24 | 469.41 | Unstable | UNHCR, International Refugee Council, Save the Children, Jesuit Refugee Service, Refuge Point, Norweigan Refugee Council, International Organization for Migration, World Food Program | Government has no internal capacity to support refugees, nor is it interested in doing so. A severe drought has devastated Ethiopia’s food security and economy. Citizens, themselves appear to be pseudo-environmental refugees A long, complicated history of clashes between ethnic groups fuels tensions between locals and refugees. Many rebels are armed because of a lack of security and spill over conflict. | Temporary Camp based, Eritreans with family in Ethiopia can apply to leave the camps and integrate in Addis Ababa, but all refugees cannot work. Food assistance is available but not food voucher e-cards. |
Lebanon | 1.1 million | 208.91 | 80.83 | Somewhat Unstable | UNHCR, Oxfam America, Doctors W/out Borders, World Food Program, Norweigan Refugee Council, Inernational Organization of Migration | The government is so overwhelmed by the ratio of refugees to citizens; it has no capacity to serve this population. Minimal governmental recognition of refugees. 70% of refugees are unregistered there because the government makes the process difficult. | No temporary camps or subsidized housing. Refugees mostly live in abandon buildings/informal settlements. They cannot (legally) work, most kids not in school, they often sell candy in the streets. Food voucher card system available. Cash voucher e-cards available. |
Pakistan | 1.6 million | 8.33 | 322.47 | Relatively Stable | OPEC “Fund”, UNHCR, Norweigan Refugee Council, International Refugee Council, International Organization for Migration | After the 2014 school bombing, the government sees refugees as a threat to national security and has started to mistreat Afghans. The Pakistani government has threatened to repatriate Afghani refugees and overall has not welcomed these refugees. | Full, embracing integration resettlement into society with jobs and schools―until 9/11 and then the 2015 repatriation proclamation. Roughly 2/3 of refugees live in the city and 1/3 live in camps. Camps are along the border of Afghanistan. The general public Pakistani citizens have a sympathetic view of the Afghani people. Refugees mainly from the Pashtun tribe which is culturally similar/integrates well in Pakistan. |
Iran | 979,000 | 12.53 | 56.4 | Stable | UNHCR, Relief International, Norweigan Refugee Council, World FOod Program | Refugees are mostly Hazara and Tajiks in Iran. The government has encouraged voluntary repatriation to Afghanistan. Government makes it difficult to obtain refugee asylum status if one is born in Iran from Afghan-refugee parents. Iran has a similar repatriation policy as Pakistan in recent years. | Most refugees live in cities, some live in camps, and only 3% in rural settings. Afghans in Iran experience strong discrimination, difficult to find work. Refugees receive food rations but not food voucher e-cards. |
Jordan | 664,000 | 89.55 | 61.64 | Stable | UNHCR, CARE-runs both camps, Oxfam America, Doctors W/out Borders, Norwegian Refugee Council, International Organization for Migration, World Food Program | At first the government was amiable towards refugees, being used to routine refugee influxes. Now fatigued, taking a toll on its own citizens/economy. However the newspapers boast in the Queen’s call to care for these refugees. | 80% of refugees live outside of camps, integrated into the cities. Refugees in camps have their own economies and are evolving into cities. Camp borders are relatively perilous and goods come in and out of camps. Refugees have overwhelmed the housing market, increasing rent by 75%. Thus now, incoming refugees stay in the camps and it is difficult to get out. Food rations are distributed p in camps, but outside of camps only meals are provided at schools. |