Countries | Soft tissues | Breast cancer | Prostate cancer | References |
Congo | Moderate labelling of: epithelial membrane cells, fibers, conjunctive tissue cells and adipocyte tissue | High labeling of cytoplasmic membranes and fibers | High staining of fibers, cytoplasmic and nuclear membranes in cancerous cells | Present study |
Spain | α-T staining of fibers | NM | NM | [20] |
Germany | Present in stromal cells (fibroblasts), lysosomes | NM | NM | [31] |
Japan | α-T labelling of membranes of intracellular organelles (ER, GC, mitochondria) | NM | NM | [5] |
China | NM | Proliferation of cancer cells with cytoplasmic membrane staining | NM | [32] |