
Materials and methods

References or standard

Hydrogen potential

Ratio 1/5 (Compost/distilled water) JEULIN 701 296 pH meter INITIO. Accuracy: 10−2

AFNOR NF ISO 10-390, 2005

Electrical conductivity (EC)

Ratio 1/5 (Compost/distilled water). CTA JEULIN 701 328 conductivity meter INITIO. Accuracy: 10−2

AFNOR NF ISO 10-390, 2005

Total Organic Carbon (TOC)

Oxidation of organic matter (1 M potassium dichromate in acidic H2SO4 medium).

-Reduction of the excess of potassium dichromate by an excess of double ferrous iron and ammonium sulphate solution at 0.5 N dosed in return with dichromate (1 M)


Organic matter (OM)

Baking at 550˚C for 2 hours. Weight difference between the mass of dry waste and the mass of calcined waste


Total nitrogen Kjeldahl, (TNK)

-Mineralization in an acidic medium and in the presence of a catalyst (K2SO4 and Se)

-Distillation after neutralization of the excess acid with 30% sodium hydroxide solution

-Titration of the distillate with a sodium hydroxide solution (0.1 M) in the presence of methyl red

AFNOR NF T 90-110

Phosphorus (P)

Extraction of compost with sulfuric acid at 15% by volume

-Spectroscopic assay at 660 nm


Potassium (P), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), sodium (Na)

Mineralization of hot compost samples and aqua regia (HNO3 + HCl)

-Determination by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry

AFNOR NF ISO 11 460 of June 1995.