Ac: Absorption coefficient, m−1,

Ac1: Heating temperature at point A1, ˚C,

Ac3: Heating temperature at point A3, ˚C,

Cp: Specific heat, J·kg−1·K−1,

d: length of the line, m,

fr: frequency, Hz,

h: Thermal transfer coef., W·m−2·K−1 ,

K: Thermal conductivity air, W·m−1·K−1 ,

L: piece length, m,

l: piece width, m,

LZ: piece thickness, m,

P: Laser power, W.

Rc: reflection coefficient of the material,

T: Temperature of the material, ˚C,

Tin: Initial material temperature, ˚C,

Tamb: Ambient air temperature, ˚C,

SS: Scanning speed, mm/s,

λ: Thermal conductivity steel, W·m−1·K−1,

σ: Stefan-Boltzmann constant, W·m−2·K−4,

x0: Radius of the laser spot, m,

y0: Radius of the laser spot, m,

γ: Thermal diffusivity, m2·s−1,

ε: Emissivity of material surface,

ρ: Density, kg·m−3.