



Nucleic acid detection technology


­ High sensitivity and specificity.

­ Effective and straightforward method.

­ Coinciding amplification and analysis in a closed system to minimize false-positive. results associated with amplification product contamination.

­ Accurate diagnoses because it can target and identify specific pathogens.

­ Reduced turnaround times (Cho et al., 2014) .

­ Jeopardizing the diagnostic accuracy by some pre-analytical and analytical variables.

­ The false-negative rate of the technique is unneglectable.

­ The availability of PCR reagent kits has not kept up with demand due to the shortage of kits and a false negative RT-PCR rate.

­ The PCR infrastructure to handle high sample throughput is inadequate in community hospitals outside of metropolitan cities.

­ It depends on the presence of SARS-CoV-2 observable in the collected sample. So, if an asymptomatic patient was infected with SARS-CoV-2 but has since recovered, PCR would not identify this prior infection.

­ Primers in the ORF1a/b and N genes of COVID-19 can be affected by the variation of viral RNA sequences.

­ Certain biological safety hazards brought by the retention and operation of patient samples.

­ Nucleic acid detection operations are cumbersome and multistep.

­ Time-consuming process for results.

­ Expensive and depend upon technical expertise (Xiao et al., 2020) .

High-throughput sequencing

­ The authoritative identification method for SARS-CoV-2 is high-throughput sequencing of the whole genome (Li, Geng, Peng, Meng, & Lu, 2020) .

­ Equipment dependency.

­ High cost (Reuter, Spacek, & Snyder, 2015) .

LAMP and


­ Simple to operate.

­ Easy to visualize for detection.

­ Fewer background signals.

­ No need for a thermocycler.

­ More robust and more detection-sensitive compared to PCR.

­ High specificity and sensitivity.

­ Simple to perform (Nguyen, Duong Bang, & Wolff, 2020) .

­ Low detection rate for SARS-CoV-2 and thus needing to be repeated 2 to 3 times in many cases.

­ Patients have not been diagnosed promptly and thus have missed the chance of early isolation and early treatments are restricted by false-negative results and detection limitations.

Isothermal amplification

­ Isothermal amplification multiplexed at the amplification and/or readout stage.

­ Multiplexing increases the amount of information gained from a single test and improves clinical sensitivity and specificity.

­ Barcoded-bead assays/systems are engineered for laboratory use (Udugama et al., 2020) .

­ The challenge lies in the configuration of the system for reading.

­ A dynamic barcode signal extracted from organic molecules involve a precise instrument configuration to differentiate the codes.


­ Much faster than detection by qRT-PCR.

­ High sensitivity (Dara & Talebzadeh, 2020) .

­ Taking time to perform.

­ It has been saddled with concerns regarding sensitivity (identifying people who have the disease) and specificity (identifying people who don’t have the disease) (LeMieux, 2020) .