10) Authentication of Palestinian Painful Historic Events Palestine, Gaza

Comprehensive Authentication of wars by Volunteers

1) Transferring all the unforeseen event during the different wars on Gaza.

2) Prepare a comprehensive authentication of the war by moment and moment and how Gaza survived the different wars.

3) Comprehensive registration and records for retrieving the rights of the Palestinians & the memory of future generations

11) Smart Media Services Palestine, Gaza

Media Services about Gaza events

1) Focus on media professional in Rafah of Gaza

2) Creating hub for journalists through the Rafah media centre, especially during crisis

3) Enhance Palestinian Journalist contribution to the conflicts hot spots in Rafah

4) Providing release news of the conflicts that happens in Gaza

5) Training for field journalists to cover conflict events

12) Flowers Palestine, Gaza

Training & Producing Jobs in Palestinian Traditional Handcraft Tailoring

1) Shift non) employed women to be part of entrepreneurship project for production of Palestinian hand) made dresses & handcraft products

2) Production for Palestinian heritage and handcraft for even to outside Gaza

13) Spring of Life Palestine, Gaza

Treating & Caring for Elderly Palestinians

1) Dealing with Geriatric Care in Gaza

2) Getting Free Medical Support from those who care for elderly and even from elderly professionals (i.e. Physicians, Pharmacists, engineers, etc.)

3) Training in Geriatric Medicine.

14) Gaza Writes Back Palestine-Gaza

Writing Stories about Gaza in English

1) Training University Students to write stories about Gaza challenges and suffering and publish it in English

2) Setting series of stories about Palestinians of Gaza Challenges

3) Spreading the other side of people life in Gaza without politics or war news only

4) Producing books about Gaza Stories

5) Producing Youth Blog on (Gaza Writes Back)

15) My land is my right initiative Palestine

Land Reclamation

1) Execute land reclamation in Separation Wall in Palestine West Bank to avoid being claimed by the Israeli Government

2) Encourage youth to help farming the reclaimed

16) Origami Academy World Egypt

Using the Art of Origami for Youth Development

1) Transform the knowledge the Origami

2) How to create profit from the Origami for utilisation in Arts, Wedding,

3) Using Origami for People with Disabilities healing

4) Setting Origami Curriculum for Universities and High Schools

17) EduVision Egypt

Development of the level of Education Curriculum & Delivery

1) Focus on analysing the barriers towards education in relevance to creating innovation

2) Utilising the power of youth to develop the innovation in education

3) Deliver program for Universities and Schools

4) Workshops for developing teachers and schools, students in education technology

5) Match making with education sponsors and suppliers with educational institutes

18) Rasal Lab Egypt

Enhancement the Knowledge between Craft Making & Professional

1) Knowledge sharing amongst artists, architects, handcraft specialists, traditional experts, multi) disciplined designers and with multi) nationality

2) Encouraging abundance thinking for artists and craftmen with multi) disciplined production of products

19) Youth Sound of the Street Egypt

Youth Film Productions by youth

1) Train youth on how produce short films by youth

2) Show the issues of youths today through seeing reflecting it through youth films

20) Free-Books Egypt

Collect and Distribute Free Books

1) Make books reach those that can’t afford to buy.

2) Encourage youth to read

3) Collaborate with Book Clubs Societies which reached more half millions participate

4) Enhance Cultural Creativity Economy

5) Spread the world of different authors who contribute their books free