




Medical coordination staff


Complete documents of referral ready to be entered in medical plus

Reception of Referral either by e-halati/fax/hand

KAMC referral form

Consent form

Personal data sheet

ID copy

Medical report


Investigation reports


Histopathology reports

MoH hospitals private hospitals

E-halati system

Fax-Security forces

Hospitals and Military

Agencies like government region, police, medical committees etc

By hand

Medical coordination physician

Referral pending in media plus system

Entry into medical plus referral system after administrative verification documents

Complete documents of referral

Medical coordination staff

Consultant physician/patient relatives/referring hospital

Case referred to other specialities or rejected/more enquires

Clinical review of documents and refer to appropriate specialty

Referral system(software)

Medical coordination physician

Medical coordination staff

Bed management staff

Eligibility staff

Medical coordination physician

Medical rejection

More enquires

Admission-File opening

Response by concerned speciality

Referral system(software)

Consultant physician

hospital/physician/patients/ patient relatives

OPD appointment/bed booking-rejection lette more enquires letter

Reply received by medica plus and conveyed to referring authority if rejected or more enquires. In case of acceptance OPD appointment/bet reservation will be sent to referring authority

Response documents

Medical coordination staff