

Dependent variable

Total cost of

ownership attentiveness

Continuous variable measuring the number of cost included in ex-ante cost evaluation

Independent variables


Continuous Likert type variable measuring the importance of TCO in the vehicle choice process

Purchasing price

Continuous Likert type variable measuring the importance of purchasing price the vehicle choice process


Dummy variable for male individuals

High School

Dummy variable for individuals with a high school education


Dummy variable for individuals with a university degree

Age 18 - 34

Dummy variable for individuals that are 18 to 34 years old

Age 65+

Dummy variable for individuals that are older than 65 years old

Middle income

Dummy variable for households that have gross annual incomes between ?5,000 - ?5,000

High income

Dummy variable for households that have gross annual incomes above ?5,000

Vehicle interest

Continuous Likert type variable measuring the general vehicle interest

Annual driving distance

Continuous variable measuring the annual driving distance in km range

No of vehicle models

Continuous variable measuring the number of vehicle in the purchase consideration set