Age, mean (SD)

55.3 (15.4)

Sex, male (%)

87 (52)

Type 2 diabetes (%)

119 (71)

Duration of diabetes, mean (SD)

16.7 (12.3)

Number of fasting labs reported during prior year, mean (SD)

2.45 (2.17)

Question: “Did you experience one or more reported lab-related FEEHD episode during prior 12 months?” (%)

45 (27.1)

“Could you recall circumstance(s) related to FEEHD episode?”

39 (87)

“Do you remember clearly advising provider of FEEHD episode?”

14 (31)

“Did your FEEHD episode result in medication change?”

18 (40)

Question: “How many hypoglycemic episodes of all causes have you experienced during prior 12 months?” mean (SD)

1.52 (1.60)

Total number of current diabetes medications (%)

OHAs only

24 (15)

Insulin(s) only

58 (35)

Both OHAs and insulin(s)

83 (50)

Number of reported FEEHD-associated medications during prior year. mean (SD)

1.72 (0.86)