Subject | Age | Sex | Indication | Successful repair? | |
1 | 11 y | F | Transnasal endoscopic repair of traumatic sphenoid encephalocele with cerebrospinal fluid leak. | Yes, no leak at 1 year. | |
2 | 13 y | M | Open repair of lateral skull base defect following resection and subsequent radiation of temporal bone rhabdomyosarcoma. | Yes, 1 year. | |
3 | 17 y | M | Transnasal endoscopic repair of frontoethmoid encephalocele. | Yes, no leak at 1 year. | |
4 | 1 y | M | Closure of wide cleft palate. | Yes, no fistula at 2 years. | |
5 | 2 y | M | Transoral repair of iatrogenic lateral pharyngeal wall defect. | Yes, complete healing by 3 months. | |
6 | 8 y | M | Recontouring of depressed, paramandibular facial scar. | Yes, maintained symmetry at 3 years. | |
7 | 10 y | M | Recontouring of parotidectomy defect following excision of first branchial cleft vestige. | Yes, maintained symmetry at 2 years. | |
8 | 10 y | F | Recontouring of forehead and brow for progressive hemifacial atrophy (Parry Romberg syndrome). | No, perceived resorption vs disease progression at 6 months. | |