

Stakeholder participation in policy-making

Forestry sector

- Involvement of all relevant stakeholders in the development of the land use plan and the 2020 strategy.

- Strong involvement of all relevant stakeholders in determining the strategic options of the 2020 strategy.

- Non-participation of councils, communities and ministries in charge of mines, agriculture and land use planning in the formulation of the policy document and the forestry law.

- Definition of strategic options of the forestry law and policy by the State and the World Bank.

- Low involvement of the agricultural and mining administrations in the definition of the strategic choices of the land use plan, given that forestry aspects have been given priority.

Agricultural sector

- Involvement of all relevant stakeholders in the development of the PNIA and the SDADR.

- Involvement of all relevant stakeholders in the formulation of the strategic options of the PNIA and the SDADR.

- Involvement of all relevant actors in the development of the agricultural policy document with the exception of the mining administration and RLAs.

- Formulation of strategic options of the agricultural policy by the State and development partners.

Mining sector

- Participation of all relevant stakeholders in the development of the mining code.

- Formulation of strategic options for the mining code by the State and development partners. The involvement of other stakeholders (MINFOF, MINADER, CTD, civil society, private sector) was limited to consultations.

Rules governing access to the resource

Forestry sector

- All industrial logging titles are awarded by tender.

- Allocations are made by an inter-ministerial commission in which non-governmental actors (MPs, trade unions, independent observer) also participate.

- MINFOF has two databases for monitoring the forest land tenure: the forest information management system and the forest cover evolution monitoring system.

- Forest inventory carried out on part of the national territory, i.e. 14,011,127 hectares representing 64% of the country’s evergreen forests and the entire East and South Regions

Agricultural sector

- No inventory of arable land at national level or in the East and South Regions

- No geo-referenced database on the areas occupied by various types of farms

- Land for agricultural concessions is acquired by mutual agreement in three ways: acquisition from the State, acquisition from a company that already has rights to the land, and acquisition from communities with a certificate relinquishing customary right.

Mining sector

- Inventory of mineral resources on half of the country

- No geo-referenced database on the areas occupied by the various mining concessions

- All these mining permits are issued by mutual agreement either by the President of the Republic (in the case of the industrial mine) or by the Minister of Mines (in the case of other titles)