Morphometric parameters | Formula/Definition | References |
I. Drainage network |
1. Stream order (u) | Hierarchical rank | [8] |
2. No. of streams (Nu) |
| [6] |
3. Stream length (Lu) km | (km) | [9] |
4. Mean stream length (Lsm) km | Lsm = Lu/Nu (km) | [9] |
5. Stream length ratio (R) | RL = Lu/Lu − 1, where Lu = the total stream length of order “u”, Lu − 1 = the total stream length of its next lower order. | [6]
6. Bifurcation ratio (Rb) | Rb = Nu/Nu + 1, where Nu = total no. of tream segment of order “u”, Nu + 1 = no. of segments of the next higher order. | [40] |
7. Mean bifurcation ratio (Rbm) | Rbm = average of bifurcation ratio of Strahler all orders. | [8] |
II. Basin geometry |
8. Basin length (Lb) km | Length of the basin (km) | [6] |
9. Basin area (A) km2 | Plan area of the watershed (km2) | [6] |
10. Mean basin width (Wb) | Wb = A/L | [41] |
11. Basin perimeter (P) km | Perimeter of the watershed (km) | [6] |
12. Form factor (ratio) (Rf) | Rf = A/Lb2 | [6] |
13. Elongation ratio (Re) | Re = | [40] |
14. Compactness coefficient (Cc) | Cc = 0.2841 * P/A0.5 | [42] |
15. Texture ratio (Tr) | Tr = N1/P | [40] |
16. Shape index (Bs) | Bs = Lb2/A | [6] |
17. Lemniscate ratio (k) | k = L2/4A | [43] [44] |
18. Circularity ratio (Rc) | Rc = | [9] [39] |
19. Drainage texture (Dt) | Dt = Nu/P, where Nu = Total no. of streams ofall orders, P = perimeter (k) | [6] |
III. Drainage texture analysis |
20. Stream frequency (Fs) | Fs = Nu/A | [6] |
21. Drainage density (Dd) km/km2 | Dd = Lu/A | [6] |
22. Drainage intensity (Di) | Di = Fs/Dd | [45] |
23. Constant channel maintenance (C) km2/km | C = 1/Dd | [40] |
24. Length of overland flow (Lo) km | Lo = 1/2Dd | [6] |
IV. Relief characteristics |
25. Basin relief (Bh) or total relief (H) m | Bh = h − h1, where, h = maximum height (m) h1 = minimum height (m) | [46] |
26. Relief ratio (Rr) | Rr = H/Lb, Where H = total relief Lb = basin length | [9] |
27. Ruggedness number (Rn) | Rn = Dd * (Bh/1000) | [9] |
28. Dissection index (Dis) | Dis = Bh/Ra, where Ra = absolute relief | [47] |
29. Time of concentration (Tc) | Tc = 6.95 (L1.15/Bs0.385) | [48] |
| where L = length of main stream |