7.1. At what age did you start seeing appear hirsutism?

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7.2. How long has your hirsutism been evolving? (In years)

| | | | | | years

7.3. How is your hirsutism changing over time?

Increasing = 1 Stationary = 2 Decreasing = 3

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7. 3.a. If it tends to increase, is the growth rapid?

Yes = 1 No = 2

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7.4. Factors aggravating your hirsutism

Shaving = 1 Waxing = 2 Lazer = 3

Creams/lotions = 4 Other = 5 None = 6

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7.5. Are there any shaggy/hairy/hirsute women in your family?

Yes = 1 No = 2

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7.5.a. If yes who?

Mother = 1 Sister = 2 Cousins = 3 Aunts = 4 Others = 5

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7.6. Have you tried treating your hirsutism?

Yes = 1 No = 2

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7.6.a. If yes, what treatment did you use?

Waxing = 1 Shaving = 2 Electrolysis/LASER = 3 Medical treatment = 4 Other = 5

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7.7. Are you satisfied with your treatment?

Yes = 1 No = 2

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