| Gender |
44 (88%) | Male |
6 (12%) | Female |
| Age (years) |
39-77 | Range |
58.2 ± 8.2 | Mean ± SD |
40 (80%) | Hypertension |
35 (70%) | Hyperlipidemia |
33 (66%) | Diabetes mellitus |
| Smoking status |
7 (14%) | Smoker |
43 (86%) | Non/ex-smoker |
8 (16%) | Previous percutaneous coronary intervention |
| Preoperative ejection fraction (%) |
30 - 65 | Range |
50.1 ± 9.5 | Mean ± SD |
| Cardiac presentation |
22 (44%) | Angina |
22 (44%) | Non-ST elevation myocardial infarction |
6 (12%) | ST elevation myocardial infraction |
| Number of grafts |
3 - 6 | Range |
3.7 ± 0.7 | Mean ± SD |
| Type of anastomosis for radial artery per patient |
38 (76%) | Isolated |
12 (24%) | Sequential |
| Target vessels for radial artery per patient |
9 (18%) | Diagonal |
23 (46%) | Obtuse marginal |
3 (6%) | Obtuse marginal and diagonal sequential |
9 (18%) | Obtuse marginal sequential |
6 (12%) | Posterior descending/posterolateral branch of RCA |
| Mean flow intra-operative measurements (ml/min) |
15 - 82 | Range |
41.7 ± 17.1 | Mean ± SD |
| Not available in 6 patients |
| Pulsatility index measurement intraoperative |
0.7 - 5.4 | Range |
2.4 ± 1.0 | Mean ± SD |
| Not available in 6 patients |