
Age - Sex (reference)


Clinical presentation and associated pathological conditions

Endoscopy and imaging

Histopathological findings




69 - M (4)

Multiples: cecum, right colon, transverse colon, left colon, stomach, duodenum.

- Rectal bleeding

- Immunocompetent patient. No dysimmune or inflammatory or neoplastic associated pathology was found.

Multiple polypoid nodules

- Hyperplastic lymphoid follicles with germinal centers.

- Absence of neoplastic cell. Disorganized architecture of the mucosa

Therapeutic abstention

- Persistent nodules without complication.


23 - M (5)

Multiples and extents from the rectum to the transverse colon.

- Rectal bleeding

- Normal immunity, no giardiasis.

Multiple small nodular formations.

Nodular lymphoid hyperplasia

Therapeutic abstention and endoscopic follow-up

- Not available


57 - F (6)

Right colon, cecum, terminal ileum.

- Rectal bleeding, abdominal pain, chronic diarrhea, obstructive symptoms.

- History of appendectomy in childhood

- High blood pressure

- Morphological features compatible with lymphoid lesion.

Laparotomy with right hemicolectomy.

Good evolution after surgery.


25 - F (3)


- Chronic constipation and rectal bleeding

Nodular area of 3 cm located lower in the rectum, associated with hemorrhoids.

Lymphoid infiltrate in mucosa and submucosa.

Therapeutic abstention

After 2 months: persistent small nodules on sigmoidoscopy.


29 - F (3)


Incidentally discovered during an antenatal examination.

Polypoid lesion measuring 3 cm in greatest dimension.

Lymphoid infiltrate in mucosa and submucosa.

Endoscopic resection

Good evolution, normal rectoscopy 3 years after resection of the lesion.


29 - M (3)


Rectal bleeding evolving for 6 months

Nodular rectal mucosa extending over 3 to 4 cm, associated with hemorrhoids.

Lymphoid infiltrate in mucosa and submucosa.

Not available

Absence of complication after 5 years of evolution.


55 - M (3)


Rectal bleeding

- Colonoscopy: four nodules of 2 to 3 mm in greatest dimension.

- Barium enema: Absence of other localizations.

Lymphoid infiltrate in mucosa and submucosa.

Excisional biopsy of the 4 nodules

- Recurrence of the nodules respectively at 4 months and 4 years after their excision.

- Good evolution, one year after the last excision.


37 - F (3)


Incidentally discovered

Polypoid lesion of 3 × 1 cm.

Lymphoid infiltrate in mucosa and submucosa.

Excisional biopsy

Good evolution 20 years after excisional biopsy.


30 - F (3)


Incidentally discovered

Polypoid lesion of 2 × 1 cm.

Lymphoid infiltrate in mucosa and submucosa.

Excisional biopsy

Absence of follow-up


58 - F

(present case)

Right colic angle

- Abdominal pain, chronic constipation and rectal bleeding after Covid 19 infection.

- History of appendectomy in childhood.

- Colonoscopy: presence of a bulging, non-ulcerated mass, measuring 3.5 cm in greatest dimension, located at the right colic angle.

- Thoraco-abdomino-pelvic computed tomography: right colonic wall thickening and enhanced nodule formation.

-Presence of numerous hyperplastic lymphoid follicles in mucosa and submucosa.

-Identical morphology within the remaining colonic and ileal walls with a variable amount of lymphoid follicles of varying sizes.

Laparotomy with right hemicolectomy.

Absence of recurrence or complication 6 months after surgery.