| - Psychiatric facility - Inpatient and outpatient clinics - Suboxone providers - Pain Management Doctors - In-patient VA facility - Step One Addiction Clinic - Addiction program - Addiction specialist - Specialists - Psychologist |
8. Do you think there is a social stigma among doctors to prescribe Suboxone? | a. Yes = 15 (60%) b. No = 9 (36%) c. Don’t Know = 1 (4%) |
9. Do you think there is a social stigma among patients when taking Suboxone? | a. Yes = 18 (72%) b. No = 6 (24%) c. Don’t Know = 1 (4%) |
10. What would motivate you to treat Suboxone patients? | a. No response = 2 (8%) b. Better reimbursement = 4 (16%) c. Better insurance coverage = 3 (12%) d. More ancillary staff (psychologists, physical therapists, other therapists) = 9 (36%) e. Having mid-level providers (physician’s assistants and nurse practitioners) = 1 (4%) f. Other: please specify = 3 (nothing, just don’t have the time) (12%) 3 (don’t want to be a part of it) (12%) |
11. How would you recommend treating the current opioid epidemic in Orange County, New York? | - No response = 3 (12%) - More education and more government funded facilities - More Suboxone doctors - Get to the source - Drug education - Further education of doctors - Fixing deep social stigmas - More Pain Management clinics - Insurance plans covering narcotics for a longer time - Stricter prescription guidelines for opioids - More frequent drug screening - More counseling for psychiatric issues - More government enforcement of controlling street drugs - Making sure that only pain management doctors can prescribe opiates - More education on drug addiction - Fixing stigmas associated with opiate addiction and treatment - Finding alternatives to opioids when prescribing pain medications - Patient education to non-opioid alternatives - More monitoring and drug testing to ensure compliance - Refer patients to addiction specialists - Plan for a substitute or eventually no need for the opioid |