12. How would you recommend treating the current opioid epidemic in Orange County, New York?

- More treatment availability

- More government funding

- More patient education and awareness

- More police enforcement of addicts into rehab programs than in jail

- More elimination of street dealers

- More rehabilitation

- Strict enforcement and immediate action

- Educating youth

- Prevention―avoid having to treat these patients

- Education to providers and consumers of healthcare

- Expand access to care

- Provide easy access and transport for patients to reach treatment clinics

- Encourage physicians to routinely screen for addiction

- Limit prescribing opiates for pain issues and limit quantity dispensed

- Make people (especially young adults) aware that there is treatment available in an outpatient setting where they can go discreetly―this would remove the negative social stigma attached to such treatment

- Increase insurance coverage for both doctor visits and medications