

Covered period

Occurrence of SDH concept uses

Priority issues related to multisectoral approach

Strategies related to the approach

Targeted determinants of health

West Africa


National health development plan (PNDS) 2009-2018

‒ Determinants of Health: None

‒ SDH: 0

Insufficient intra- and intersectoral collaboration

‒ Advocacy for in-depth intra sectoral collaboration,

‒ Development of a model of partnership agreement,

‒ Periodic evaluation meetings,

‒ Strengthening the MoH in health communication

Not clear:

‒ education sector: School Health

‒ employment and labour sector: occupational health


National Health Policy 2020

‒ Determinants of Health: One

‒ SDH: 0

No problems identified, but an explicit recognition of:

‒ WHO definition of Health,

‒ Ecological model of health

‒ Not the strategies,

‒ But the 5 objectives are oriented towards SDHs

‒ Physical environment,

‒ Socioeconomic status,

‒ Healthy lifestyles,

‒ Health system,

‒ Population dynamics

Central Africa


PNDS 2017-2021

‒ Determinants of Health: 6

‒ SDH: 0

‒ Multisectoral dynamics in the health sector are weak,

‒ Health in all policies not promoted

‒ Revitalization of multisectoral approach in implementing health activities at all levels of the health system

‒ No


PNDS 2019-2022

‒ Determinants of Health: 1

‒ SDH: 0

Intra- and intersectoral collaboration not optimal to:

‒ Improve population health;

‒ Support supply and demand of quality health care services

‒ Establishment and/or strengthening of existing intersectoral consultation frameworks

‒ Action plans of joint implementation between MoH other sectors (food security and the fight against malnutrition, water, hygiene and sanitation)

East Africa


Health Policy


‒ Determinants of Health: 0

‒ SDH: 4

No priority problems statement, but explicit recognition of:

‒ multisectoral approach based on SDHs in achieving the overall health goals

‒ Minimize exposure to health risk factors,

‒ Strengthen collaboration with private and other sectors that have an impact on health

‒ Lifestyles;

‒ Physical or economic environments


The National Health Policy 2017-2027

‒ Determinants of Health: None

‒ SDH: One

The Government will enhance institutional linkages between health promotions with other stakeholders

The health and social welfare sector will:

‒ Collaborate with other sectors;

‒ And advocate for the inclusion of health promoting and health protecting measures in other sectors’ policies and strategies

‒ Not clear,

‒ Strategies were formulated by sector, denied the multi or trans-sectoral approach.

‒ A lot of Determinants were targeted in a fragmented way.

‒ Health services organisation

‒ Water; Sanitation, Hygiene and Food Safety;

‒ Occupational Health and Safety;

‒ Environmental health;

‒ General environment (acts et legislations

Southern Africa


PNDS 2017-2021

‒ Determinants of Health: 5

‒ SDH: 6

‒ No identified problems, but use of a model that incorporates underlying socio-economic factors impacting health behaviors,

‒ SDH model postulates that poor social and economic factors (at individual, societal, and physical environment levels) impact health throughout an individual’s life

‒ Strengthen multi-sectoral collaboration, community linkages, and coordination in line with the decentralization policy to address SDHs and within the Health in All Policies framework

‒ Not explicit,

‒ Great priority on primary community health care,

‒ All SDHs.