Peaks (cm−1)

Peak assignment

3300 ‐ 3200

stretching vibration of OH groups

2950 ‐ 2900

Aromatic, cyclic enes Alkyl groups υ = CH & Ar‐H


CH3 of Alkyl groups

1900 - 1500

double-bonded functional groups

1750 - 1700

stretching vibration of carbonyl C=O group of acids

1650 - 1550

N‐H bending vibration of quinolones

1580 ‐ 1500

CH3 and CH2 of Alkyl groups

1500 - 1400

stretching vibration of CH2 in Benzoxazine

1400 ‐ 1350

O‐H bending vibration of carboxylic acid

1352, 1283

stretching vibration of C-N

1250 ‐ 1200

C‐O‐C stretching vibration of Oxo group

1050 - 1000

stretching C-F group of Fluorine group

950 ‐ 800

=C‐H out of plane bending vibration of Aromatics & enes