

Imaging modality

Demonstrate disorders of the internal tissues of lymph nodes

Fever, Infection and lymph vessels inflammation, contrast medium remain for up to 2 years in lymph nodes


Lymphatic function

Low image resolution, prolonged procedure time cost, radiation dose


insignificantly invasive, simple, Real-time imaging and sensitive

Cannot detect deep lymphatic vessels (≤2 cm)

Indo cyanine green-lymphography (ICG-L)

Cheap, low cost

Limited contrast resolution Radiation risk

Computed Tomography

Excellent anatomy high spatial resolution No radiation exposure 3D image physiological information high soft tissue contrast

Contrast medium can not differentiate benign and cancer tumors

Magnetic resonance lymphangiography (MRL)

No contract medium illustrate static fluid-filled lymphatic vessels, safe and feasible

Suspension the lymphatic drainage for 48 h. Elastic stockings or bandages for 24 h

Non-contrast Magnetic Resonance Lymphangiography (NCMRL)