Methods and techniques – Technology


Blog (47)

A virtual environment, editable by the author and recommended by him, that integrates short articles, images and videos, offering a quick update compared to a website (APO, 2020) .

Chat (48)

Instant text communication between two or more people via web in real time (Bergeron, 2003; Rao, 2005; APO, 2020) .

Knowledge harvesting (49)

Instrument used to record the knowledge of experts and make it accessible to others (DON-USA, 2001; Servin, 2005) .

Multimodal conference (50)

Use of technology to integrate groups in real time, involving resources such as electronic whiteboards, text forums and audio and video channels for sharing knowledge (Bergeron, 2003; Rao, 2005; APO, 2020) .

Construction of manuals for replication of successful practices/Routines (51)

The company seeks to make execution procedures explicit and accessible, using databases, manuals or guidelines, aiming to facilitate the understanding of this knowledge by a wide number of employees (Fraga, 2019) .

Cyber-Physical Production System (CPPS) (52)

Transparent and autonomous integration of computing technologies, networks and process monitoring that physically supervise operations with sensors and actuators (Andronie, Lazaroiu, Iatagam, Hurloiu, & Dijmarescu, 2021; Villalonga, Negri, Biscardo, Castano, Haber, Fumagalli, & Macchi, 2021) .

Email (53)

Collaborative platform widely used for sending messages over the internet, making it possible to reach a wide audience in different places and in real time (Bergeron, 2003; Rao, 2005; Servin, 2005) .

Collaborative physical spaces (54)

Space designated for informal interactions between team members (APO, 2020) .

Space for prototyping (55)

Space intended for experimentation and implementation of ideas, providing an environment conducive to the development and expansion of employees’ creativity within an organization (APO, 2020) .

wireless Tools (56)

Implementation of mobile technologies with the aim of disseminating knowledge among members of an organization’s workforce, promoting connectivity and mobility, especially for those who perform their functions in external environments (Rao, 2005) .

Groupware (57)

Software and hardware dedicated to CSCW (Computer Supported Cooperative Work 28) technology are essential for offering computational support, expanding interaction between individuals and groups from different areas. Desirable features include affinity, knowledge mapping, segmentation, search, group document creation, classification, anonymity, notification and access management (Rao, 2005: p. 9) .

Knowledge portals (58)

Online platform that offers knowledge management applications for the organizational environment, providing continuous integration between employees, without time and space restrictions (Rao, 2005; APO, 2020) .

Network (59)

Analysis that seeks to map interactions between people, groups and organizations to understand how these relationships impact on facilitating or hindering knowledge (Rao, 2005; Servin, 2005) .

Social media (60)

Identification and analysis of interactions between people in groups formed mainly on the internet, including the study of information transmitted from one individual or group to another (Bergeron, 2003; Rao, 2005; Kazi et al., 2007; APO, 2020) .

Advanced techniques in search portals (61)

Continuous improvement of systematic search tools and methods, aiming to improve internet portals and expand the results achieved (APO, 2020) .

Virtual work (62)

Application of advanced technology, supported by the internet and telecommunications, which allows a person to work in one location, applying their knowledge and experiences remotely in another location, in real time (Servin, 2005) .

Video conference (63)

Used in situations that require trust and relationship building, virtual communication allows the discussion of issues and exploration of ideas. This approach makes it easier to access expert knowledge regardless of physical location. An additional advantage is the reduction of expenses associated with travel, transportation and accommodation on business or training trips (Bergeron, 2003; Rao, 2005; Servin, 2005) .

ethnography video (64)

Visual recording devices that record the dynamic interactions of a group over time, allowing subsequent analysis of collective behavior (Brown, 2010) .

Video (65)

Creation of brief videos with strategic content intended for internal dissemination within organizations or to specific audiences via the internet (Rao, 2005; APO, 2020) .

VOIP (66)

Acronym in English for “knowledge-intensive organizations and over Internet Protocol”, it refers to the transmission of audio and video signals between computers, allowing the exchange of information (APO, 2020) .

Wiki (67)

Virtual spaces known as wikis are dedicated to the collaborative construction of collective knowledge (APO, 2020) .