
Possible answers

Sociodemographic profile of the participants

What is your gender?


How old are you?


What is the highest level of education you have completed?

None/Primary and secondary/High School


What is your occupation?

Stay-at-home mothers/Worked in construction, maintenance or domestic employs/Students

Water and sanitation conditions

Do you have access to water?


What is the frequency of water supply?


What is the garbage removal frequency?

Every day/Twice a week/Three times a week

Where do you dispose the wastewater?

Wastewater system/Septic tank/On the street

Knowledge regarding to prevention of MBDs

Which of the following diseases are transmitted by mosquitoes?

Dengue/Chagas/Yellow fever/Chikungunya/Malaria

What is the mechanism of transmission of MBDs?

Body fluids/water polluted/contaminated food/mosquito bite

What is the time of day when mosquitoes are more likely to bite?

At dawn/Noon/Before dusk/Afternoon and night/Only during night

Which are mosquito breeding sites?

Tires/hollow trees/on soil/gutters/in walls/on garbage

Which of these preventive measures do you consider more effective to avoid the reproduction of larvae and pupae?

Apply the little dab

Eliminate stagnant water


Apply larvicide

Use of fishes on water containers

Covered water containers

Which of these measures do you consider more effective to prevent mosquito bites?

Use of bed nets/Use of repellent/Use of insecticides/Covered water containers/Apply the little dab/Use of screens in window and doors

Attitudes about prevention of MBDs

Do you consider that preventive measures to reduce mosquitoes could avoid mosquito borne disease?

Strongly Agree*/Agree*/Not sure/Disagree/Strongly disagree

Are mosquito borne diseases serious problem?

Strongly Agree*/Agree*/Not sure/Disagree/Strongly disagree

Is it spraying the best method to reduce mosquitoes?

Strongly Agree/Agree/Not sure/Disagree*/Strongly disagree*

Is it Ministry of Health unique entity responsible to reduce larvae of mosquitoes in your home?

Strongly Agree/Agree/Not sure/Disagree*/Strongly disagree*

Are you responsible to prevent spread of larvae in your home?

Strongly Agree*/Agree*/Not sure/Disagree/Strongly disagree

Preventive measures against MBDs

Which practices for preventing the mosquito breeding are you using?

Eliminate standing water/Use of larvicide/Wash

water containers/Use of fishes in water containers

Which practices for preventing the mosquito bites are you using?

Use of insecticide/Use of repellent/Use of screens in window and doors/Use of fans/Use of bed nets