1) Knowledge (cognitive): of social groups and their products and practices in one’s own and in one’s interlocutor’s country, and of the general processes of societal

and individual interaction.

Objectives (knowledge of/about):

a) The processes and institutions of socialisation in one’s own and in one’s interlocutor’s country.

b) Institutions, and perceptions of them, which impinge on daily life within one’s own and in one’s interlocutor’s country and which conduct and influence relationships between them.

Assessment technique: CAT

Close-ended questions: true-false, multiple choice, and matching

2) Attitudes (Affective): curiosity & openness, readiness to suspend disbelief about other cultures and belief about one’s own.


c) Willingness to seek out or take up opportunities to engage with otherness in a relationship of equality, distinct from seeking out the exotic or to profit from others.

d) Interest in discovering other perspectives on interpretation of familiar and unfamiliar phenomena both in one’s own and in other cultures and cultural practices.

Assessment technique: CMT

Close-ended questions: multiple choice

Open-ended questions: written productions

3) Skills (behavioral)

­ Of interpreting & relating (savoir comprendre): ability to interpret a document or event from another culture, to explain it and relate it to documents or events from one’s own.

­ Of discovery & interaction (savoir apprendre/faire): ability to acquire new knowledge of a culture and cultural practices and the ability to operate knowledge, attitudes, and skills under the constraints of real-time communication and interaction.

Objectives (ability to):

e) Identify areas of misunderstanding and dysfunction in an interaction and explain them in terms of each of the cultural systems present.

f) Elicit from an interlocutor the concepts or values of documents or events and develop an explanatory system susceptible of application to other phenomena.

Assessment technique: CIT

Close-ended questions: multiple choice

Open-ended questions: written productions