Perspective | Objective | Prefix | Key Performance Factor |
Financial | Increase stock value (shareholder wealth) | F2 | Economic Value Added (Income - Capital Costs) |
Improve cost structure | F7 | The ratio of revenue to cost of resources | |
Increase asset utilization | F11 | The ratio of income to expenditure | |
Improve the value of existing customers | F13 | Percentages deferred (deferred charges) | |
Customer | Gain new customers | C7 | Net Sales (Expenses - Deals) |
Improve market share | C11 | Cost of resources | |
C12 | Amount of suspicious receivables | ||
Increase customer profitability | C14 | Number of pending cases | |
C15 | Upcoming years (previous customer profitability) | ||
Internal Process | Improve cost, quality, and time of production | P2 | Selling High-Performance Products (Expenses - Deals/ Resources) |
P5 | Costs of consuming resources | ||
P6 | Costs of providing resources on concessional facilities | ||
Improve asset utilization | P8 | Capacity utilization (concessional facility balance) | |
P9 | Percentage of use | ||
Increase sales to customers | P14 | Revenue and profit margin generated from concessional balances (income/concessions) | |
Learning & Growth | Develop meritocracy | L2 | Staff Satisfaction |
Create a customer-centric culture | L6 | The average shelf life of the person | |
Sharing knowledge about best customer behavior | L8 | Average job tenure |