Medication reconciliation error

Explanation of medication reconciliation error

Omission of the medication

The patient was taking a necessary medication and this was not prescribed, without there being an explicit or implicit clinical justification for this

Different dose, route, or frequency of the administration of a drug

The dose, route, and frequency is modified of a medication that the patient was taking, without there being a clinical justification, explicit or explicit, for this

Incomplete prescription

The presence of the chronic treatment is carried out in an incomplete manner and requires clarification

Incorrect medication

A new medication is prescribed without clinical justification, confusing the medication with another that the patient took and that has not been prescribed

Initiation of medication (commission discrepancy)

A treatment is initiated that the patient did not take previously, and there is no clinical justification explicit or implicit, for the initiation


The patient presents duplicity between the prior medication and the new prescription


The patient presents a chemically relevant interaction between the prior medication and the new prescription

Maintenance of incorrect medication

The contraindicated chronic medication continued in the new clinical situation of the patient