(Ghilley, Bhadoria, & Pandit, 2018)

120 patients

Descriptive correlational



FEV1/FVC (%) ratio

Age, BMI, Smoke pack/year, GOLD stage

(Pati et al., 2018)

110 patients

The parallel mixed-method study design was

Between June and July 2014


Advanced age, Sex/female, More than two comorbidities, Low income, Family support

Occupation, Place of living

(Gaude & Desai, 2018)

44 patients

Cross-sectional study

Between October 2016-November 2016



Age, Sex, Smoking, BMI, Socioeconomic status, Occupation type

(Farag, Sobh, Elsawy, & Fahmy, 2018)

200 patients

A cross-sectional observational multicenter study

2 years

Arabic version of SGRQ.

FEV1 % Predicted, New, GOLD stage (ABCD), Comorbidity, particularly IHD, mMRC, Frequency of exacerbations per year, 6MWD

Age, BMI, GOLD Spirometrics staging, BODE index, FEV1/FVC (%), Smoking pack/year

(Brandl et al., 2018)

206 patients

A prospective patient cohort study

1 year and 4 months

Short-Form (SF-12) Health Survey Questionnaire

CAT, Number of, exacerbations

(years), FEV1 % Predicted, Living alone

Age, Female gender, High educational level, Smoking, Number of medications, Disease duration

(Lee et al., 2017)

1264 patients

Prospective cohort

Between December 2011 and November 2015


Age, Education, No of comorbidities, 6MWD, Depression level, mMRC

Sex, BMI, Smoking status, FEV1% predicted

(Das, Bam, & Ghimire, 2017)

81 patients

Descriptive observational cross-sectional

5 months


Smoking status

Age, Sex, Occupation, Education, Medications

(Cheruvu, Odhiambo, Mowls, Zullo, & Gudina, 2016)

16602 patients

Telephone survey designed

From the 2011 and 2012

A newly developed tool which contains four HRQOL indicators

Sex, Age, Current smoker

Activity limitation, Unmarried, Level of education less than a college degree

(Kwon & Kim, 2016)

2734 patients

Cross-sectional survey study

Between 2007-2012


Age, Sex, Severity of COPD, Diabetes and hypertension comorbidities, Smoking status

Educational level, Income level

(Martinez et al., 2016)

4097 participants in the COPD Gene study and 1522 participants in SPIROMICS

a cross-sectional analysis of data from participants with COPD in two cohorts



Race, Smoking status, Moderate to severe dyspnea, exacerbation frequency, Presence of chronic bronchitis symptoms

Comorbidities, Activity level, Anxiety, and depression

(Sharma & Joshi, 2015)

40 patients

A cross-sectional hospital-based study

From August 6, 2014, to August 7, 2014

a 56-item QOL questionnaire developed by the researcher

Age, Current smoker, Education level, Comorbidities, Hospital no of admission last three months, Need of drugs regularly

Sex, Marital status, Place of residence, Family type, Work status, Economic status, Duration of COPD, Smoking status

(Hong et al., 2015)

1178 patients

A cross-sectional survey analysis

Between the year of 2007 and 2010


Old age, female gender, lower education level, many comorbid diseases, severe airflow obstruction (Gold stage)

BMI, ever-smoking

(Ekici, Bulcun, Karakoc, Senturk, & Ekici, 2015)

62 patients

Descriptive correlational



FEV1 % Predicted, mMRC, Anxiety scores

Age, BMI, Total number of hospitalizations, Depression score

(Xiang et al., 2015)

142 COPD outpatients and 218 controlled COPD

Case-control study

May 1, 2004, to April 30, 2005.



Marital status, Education, Religious belief, Life event in the past year

COPD severity, Living with others, Age/year, Sex/male, No of comorbidities, No of hospitalization last year