Author/Date | Study Sample | Study design | Data Collection Period | The instrument used to measure HRQoL | Predicting factor of HRQoL | Non predicting factor of HRQoL |
(Wu et al., 2019) | 154 patients | A cross-sectional design | Between December 2016 and November 2017 | CCQ | Age, Smoking status, Disease duration | Gender, marital status, employment status, BMI |
(Shah, Shah, & Kachoria, 2019) | 60 patients | A prospective, cross-sectional study | From April to September 2017 | SGRQ-C | Age, Nutrition, Smoking status, Alcohol intake, Socioeconomic status, Duration and severity of the disease, Presence of comorbidities, Type of COPD medication used, BMI | Sex, Education level, Employment status, Dietary habits |
(Wytrychiewicz et al., 2019) | 105 patients | Descriptive correlational study | NA | Newley developed a tool which assesses eight aspects of illness potentially affecting QoL | Smoking status, BMI | Sex, Age, Marital status, Place of residence, Education, professional activity, Years since COPD diagnosis, Number of hospitalizations due to COPD |