Items | Subscale | Rating item as moderate or great barrier (%) | Rank order |
Insufficient time on the job to implement new ideas. | Setting | 96 (61.5) | 1 |
Researchers are written in English. | Research | 95 (60.9) | 2 |
The facilities are inadequate for implementation. | Setting | 82 (52.6) | 3 |
The nurse does not have time to read research. | Setting | 72 (46.2) | 4 |
Other staffs are not supportive of implementation. | Setting | 71 (45.5) | 5 |
The amount of research information is overwhelming. | Research | 71 (45.5) | 5* |
There is not a documented need to change practice. | Setting | 69 (44.2) | 6 |
The nurse does not see the value of research for practice. | Nurse | 67 (42.9) | 7 |
The nurse is uncertain of whether to believe the results of the research. | Nurse | 67 (42.9) | 7** |
The relevant literature is not compiled in one place. | Setting | 67 (42.9) | 7** |
The nurse feels that results are not generalizable to own setting. | Setting | 65 (41.7) | 8 |
Research report/articles are not clearly and readably. | Research | 65 (41.7) | 8* |
The nurse is unaware of research. | Nurse | 64 (41.0) | 9 |
Implications for practice are not made clear. | Setting | 64 (41.0) | 9** |
The conclusions drawn from the research are not justified. | Research | 64 (41.0) | 9** |
Research has not been replicated. | Research | 60 (38.5) | 10 |
Literature reports had conflict results. | Research | 60 (38.5) | 10* |
The nurse feels the benefits of changing practice will be minimal. | Nurse | 59 (37.8) | 11 |
Research report/articles are not published fast enough. | Research | 59 (37.8) | 11** |
The conclusions drawn from the research are not justified. | Research | 59 (37.8) | 11** |
The nurse does not feel she/he has authority to change patient care procedures. | Setting | 56 (35.9) | 12 |
The research has methodological inadequacies. | Research | 54 (34.6) | 13 |
The nurse is isolated from knowledgeable with whom to discuss research. | Nurse | 53 (34.0) | 14 |
The nurse sees little benefit for self. | Nurse | 51 (32.7) | 15 |
Administration will not allow implementation. | Setting | 51 (32.7) | 15*** |
The research is not relevant to the nurse’s practice. | Research | 51 (32.7) | 15*** |
Statistical analyses are not understandable. | Research | 51 (32.7) | 15*** |
The nurse is isolated from colleagues with whom to discuss the research. | Nurse | 50 (32.1) | 16 |
Physicians will not cooperate with implementation. | Setting | 45 (28.8) | 17 |
The nurse is unwilling to change/try new ideas. | Nurse | 39 (25.0) | 18 |
The nurse feels not capable of evaluating the quality of the research. | Nurse | 32 (20.5) | 19 |