Plant Species (Tree/Shrub)

Local Name (English/ Swahili/Turkana)

Description and Uses

Balanites aegyptiaca

Desert Date, Ebei

Drought tolerant and evergreen tree with fruits and seeds used as food by humans during dry seasons. Provides fodder for livestock

Balanites Rotundifolia

Ebei (Turk)

The fruits are edible, and the roots are crushed, boiled and used to treat gastro-intestinal illnesses. Leaves are used as fodder for livestock. Tree produces gum resin that is sold or used in manufacturing industries.

Cordia sinensis

Grey Leaved cordial (Eng) Edome (Turk)

Gum and fruits from the tree are edible. The plant has medicinal value as it treats malaria and intestinal disorders. Grown as an ornament due to its beautiful and scented flowers.

Acacia tortilis

Umbrella thorn (Eng) Ewoi (Turk)

Small branches are cut to feed livestock. Local residents collect pods and fruits for food and fodder. Pods can be grind into nutritious flour (Apinent) and used to make porridge or mixed with maize meal. The bark is used as a painkiller and in treating abdominal and joint pains.

Flowering of the tree signals rain.

Acacia xanthophloea

Mukongwe, Mgunga (Swahili)

High water table indicator, Bark used for stomach upsets and in treatment of joint pains. Leaves used as fodder. Provides a good habitat for birds (nest) and bees as well.

Salvadora persica

Mustard Tree (Eng) Esokon (Turk)

Leaves and shoots are edible, can be eaten as vegetables. The roots and bark can be boiled and taken as a pain killer. Widely known for its teeth cleaning properties

Prosopis chilensis/juliflora

Mesquite, Mathenge (Swa), Etirai (Turk)

Drought tolerant tree with invasive characteristics. Used for shade and as an erosion control tree. The seeds are used as fodder for cattle or goats.

Acacia elatior

River acacia (Eng) Esanya nai (Turk)

A high-water table plant indicator. Located along river banks. Planted mainly to reduce soil erosion in the river banks

Grewia Tenax

White cross berry (Eng) Engomo (Turk)

Are a good source of pollen and nectar for bees. Leaves provide fodder for livestock in dry seasons. Wood used in making bows. Different parts of the plant can treat colds. The shrub is good for hedging and fencing.

Hyphaenea compressa

East Africa Duom palm (Eng) Engol (Turk)

The fruits are a good source of food during drought. Pulp of the fruit can be made into juice. The seeds are dried and used as fuel e.g (in the smoking of fish). The stalk of leaves are made into log strips and used in weaving of baskets and mats.