Environmental Service






Tidal protection and

flood control

130,277 Municipal inhabitants* (Direct)

Sediment accumulation and soil formation

130,277 Municipal inhabitants* (Direct)

Area for breeding, shelter and feeding of species

Total number of employed staff. Sector 11: Fishing and aquaculture.

2739 Municipal inhabitants*

(INEGI, 2010)


Scenic beauty

130,277 Municipal inhabitants*


Tourism companies


Tourists from the state of Veracruz (Direct)

Tourists from around the country (Direct)

Tourists from around the world


Food production

130,277 Municipal inhabitants* (Direct)

State inhabitants who acquire food from fishing on the site (Indirect)

Inhabitants of other states where there is a trade in food species (Indirect)

Habitat for human populations

96 people in the mangrove area


Pollution control and improvement of water quality

130,277 Municipal inhabitants*

Oxygen production and carbon dioxide capture

130,277 Municipal inhabitants*

Although there is no specific number of people who benefit, this service has an international scope