
n (%)

Sharing SRH information (n = 55)


9 (16.4)


46 (83.6)

Feedback on SMS Intervention as a method of SRH information delivery (n = 96)

I get benefits from the messages

71 (74.0)

The messages are interesting

47 (49.0)

The messages are suitable for adolescents

67 (69.8)

The messages are easily understood

67 (69.8)

I am more interested to search for further information on reproductive health

41 (42.7)

I am motivated to share the messages with other people

42 (43.8)

I have shared the messages with other people

47 (49.0)

I think the delivery of health message through SMS is suitable to be implemented on adolescents in this country.

65 (67.7)

I think the delivery of health message through SMS should be implemented on adolescents in this country

65 (67.7)