
All patients (n = 52)

Demographic data


15 - 29—No. (%).

16 (30.8)

30 - 44—No. (%).

14 (26.9)

45 - 59—No. (%).

17 (32.7)

≥60—No. (%).

5 (9.6)


Male—No. (%).

18 (34.6)

Female—No. (%).

34 (65.4)

Marital Status

Single—No. (%).

15 (28.8)

Married—No. (%).

37 (71.2)

Education Level

No formal education—No. (%).

3 (5.8)

Primary school—No. (%).

8 (15.4)

Intermediate school—No. (%).

11 (21.2)

Secondary school—No. (%).

10 (19.2)

College—No. (%).

15 (28.8)

Higher education—No. (%).

5 (9.6)

Employment Status

Yes—No. (%).

18 (34.6)

No—No. (%).

34 (65.4)

Health-related conditions

Chronic Medical Illnesses

Yes—No. (%).

21 (40.4)

No—No. (%).

31 (59.6)

Mental Illnesses

Yes—No. (%).

3 (5.8)

No—No. (%).

49 (94.2)

Smoking Status

Yes—No. (%).

6 (11.5)

No—No. (%).

46 (88.5)

Isolation-related conditions

Reason of Isolation

Confirmed COVID-19—No. (%).

32 (61.5)

Suspected COVID-19—No. (%).

20 (38.5)

Source of infection in confirmed cases

Contact—No. (%).

15 (46.9)

Travel—No. (%).

17 (53.1)

Type of Isolation

Alone—No. (%).

17 (32.7)

Shared room with others—no. (%).

35 (67.3)

Duration of isolation

<10 days—No. (%).

37 (72.5)

10 - 19 days—No. (%).

13 (25.5)

≥20 days—No. (%).
