
First-level indicators

Secondary indicators

Tertiary indicators


National characteristics and national features 0.0818

Religion 0.0546

Color of architecture 0.0455

Building decoration 0.0091

Regional national characteristics 0.0273

Building exterior image design 0.0136

Building interior space design 0.0136


Land saving and outdoor environment 0.2731

Land use 0.187

Intensive land use 0.0111

Reasonable setting of green land in the site 0.01

Reasonable development and utilization of underground space 0.0384

Slope development and utilization 0.1275

Outdoor environment 0.0171

Site light pollution 0.0055

Site environmental noise 0.0049

Site wind environment 0.0035

Site heat island intensity 0.0032

Transportation facilities and public services 0.0162

Convenience of venue bus facilities 0.0037

Barrier-free design in the venue 0.0069

Reasonable parking 0.0024

Provide convenient public services 0.0031

Site design and site ecology 0.0528

Protect the original natural pattern of the site 0.01

Reasonably set up rainwater infrastructure 0.0186

Reasonable planning of surface and roof rainwater runoff 0.0186

Reasonable selection of greening methods and plants 0.0058


Energy saving and energy utilization 0.0973

Building and envelope 0.0596

Optimize the building shape, orientation, floor distance, and window-to-wall ratio 0.0278

Thermal performance of building 0.0278

Openable section for good indoor ventilation 0.004

Heating, ventilation and air conditioning 0.0096

High energy efficiency of cooling and heating equipment 0.001

Measures to reduce energy consumption of heating equipment 0.0061

District and room heating 0.0025

Lighting and electrical equipment 0.0070

The corridor and aisle use sound-activated lights and sensor lights 0.0017

Reasonable selection of energy-saving electrical equipment 0.0052

Comprehensive utilization of energy 0.0212

Designed to recover exhaust energy 0.0018

Reasonable use of cold and heat storage systems 0.0012

Reasonable use of waste heat from buildings 0.0017

Reasonable use of solar energy 0.0089

Rational use of other renewable energy 0.0075


Water saving and water use 0.2248

Water saving system 0.0871

Avoid leaks in the water distribution network 0.0209

No overpressure outflow in the water supply system 0.0133