Activities of regulatory institutions

Behaviours of construction firms and Project parties

Intermediary OHS outcomes

Ultimate OHS outcomes

・ Education aimed at creating awareness

・ Compliance inspections

・ Mandatory registration of construction sites

・ Penalties for non-compliance

・ Resources available to institution

・ Compliance measures.

・ Health and safety procedures on construction sites.

・ Incorporation of OHS laws into contract conditions.

・ OHS manuals developed and in conformity with OHS regulations.

・ Resources to facilitate compliances.

・ Amelioration of underlying OHS problems & positive changes in conditions.

・ Awareness level of OHS Employees

・ Reduced lost time due to accidents.

・ More OHS inductions & training

・ Amelioration of underlying OHS problems & positive changes in conditions.

・ Decreased accident/injury rates

・ Cost incurred in compliance