Variables | Symbol | Direct | Cluster forming* |
Number of Traffic Death per Million Urban Population | TRDPMUPOP | N | N |
Number of Traffic Death per million Registered Vehicles | TRDHTRV | N | N |
Number of Traffic Death/Population Density | TRDPOPDST | N | N |
Number of Registered Vehicles/Population | NRVPOP | N | Y |
Number of Registered Vehicles/Urban Population | NRVUPOP | N | Y |
Income per Capita | Income | Y | Y |
Education Index (0 - 1) | Edu_Index | Y | Y |
Human Development Index (0 - 1) | HDI | Y | Y |
Population density (people per sq. km of land area) | PoPD_SQKM | N | Y |
Proportion of Urban Population | UrbPop_Per | N | Y |
Social Globalization Index (0 - 100) | SoGl | Y | Y |
Cultural Globalization Index (0 - 100) | CuGl | Y | Y |
Alcohol Consumption (Liter/capita) | Alco_Consm | Y | Y |
Average of Drivers Ages (years) | Avdr_Age | Y | Y |