15. | Can p.c.m overdose cause acute liver failure?
Total | Yes No Undecided
| 237 56 97 390 | 60.8% 14.4% 24.9% 100% |
16. | Is taking procold and p.c.m together risky?
Total | Yes No Undecided
| 154 139 97 390 | 39.5% 35.6% 24.9% 100% |
17. | Does combining p.c.m intake with alcohol increase the likelihood of developing liver failure? Total | Yes No Undecided
| 287 34 69 390 | 73.6% 8.7% 17.7% 100% |
18. | Do you think self-medication with p.c.m can harm you?
Total | Yes No Undecided
| 181 209 0 390 | 49.4% 53.6% 0% 100% |
19. | Can people with liver diseases for example hepatitis and liver cirrhosis take p.c.m?
Total | Yes No Undecided
| 182 90 118 390 | 46.7% 23.1% 30.3% 100% |
20. | If Symptoms persist can you take p.c.m up to six times a day?
Total | Yes No Undecided
| 48 342 0 390 | 12.3% 87.7% 0% 100% |