S/No. | Item | Options | Frequency | Percentage % |
6 | Have you ever taken p.c.m in your life?
Total | Yes No Undecided
| 363 27 0 390 | 93.1% 6.9% 0% 100% |
7 | What is the normal dose of p.c.m in a day?
Total | 4 g maximum 5 g maximum 6 g maximum 7 g maximum Undecided
| 136 80 59 0 115 390 | 34.9% 20.5% 15.1% 0% 29.5% 100% |
8 | How many times should the normal dose of p.c.m be taken in a day?
Total | 2 times 3 times 4 times 5 times Undecided
| 153 237 0 0 0 390 | 39.2% 60.8% 0% 0% 0% 100% |
9 | How long should treatment with p.c.m last?
Total | 1 day only 2 days only 3 days only As long as other symptoms persist Undecided
| 106 64 120 57
43 390 | 27.2% 16.4% 30.8% 14.1%
11.0% 100% |
10 | How difficult do you think it would be for you to get p.c.m if you wanted?
Total | Impossible Very difficult Fairly difficult Fairly easy Very easy Undecided
| 45 0 17 80 248 0 390 | 11.5% 0% 4.4% 20.5% 63.6% 0% 100% |